Burnaby, BC hatched fledged (no cam) |
There's no cam, but Will has been spending a lot of time observing this nest and taking videos and pictures, like this one of the older of the two chicks branching. The tree is a bit unusual - it's very leafy, making it hard to get good pictures - and hard for the eagles to come and go (Will's theory is that these are fairly new parents who didn't realize there would be leaves come spring - it is their first year in this location). Will's videos can be found on the Maine forum in the The older eaglet seems near fledging, and the younger seems quite a ways behind - but you never know! Update August 1: Big has fledged! Here she(?) is sitting with a parent on the upper branches: |
Hornby Island, BC hatched fledged Thunder |
Nothing yet - but the second eaglet should be fledging soon watch for updates on the Hancock Wildlife Channel's |
Kent, WA hatched fledged |
![]() Shoebutton's photo - July 29 |
Puget Sound, WA hatched fledged |
![]() Sherri's photo - July 30 |
Sidney, BC hatched fledged Skye |
Brief report as I don't have time to go through the threads And here is beans' video "Alone in the Nest at Sunset" (4:53) from July 31 |
Santa Cruz, CA hatched fledged Limuw |
Jessica from the IWS Crew reported August 1: "It’s been a quiet week here on the Northern Channel Islands. Limuw has been visiting the nest on a regular basis as has been seen on the webcam. We have tracked Limuw off the nest too. Kim and I were on kayaks on Sunday and spotted him just to the west of Prisoners Harbor. He flew off and landed a few times. His flights looked perfect, his landings, well… there’s room for improvement. But it’s good to see him exploring away from the nest. Even when he’s off the nest he is still close to it based on radio-tracking, GPS data, and observations." |
Fort St. Vrain, CO probably |
I haven't visited this site lately - the cam is tightly focused on the nest, so all I was getting was occasional pictures of eaglets who were spending most of their time branching or fledged - no way to tell which. But when I checked BirdCam Forum today, I found several great pictures by someone who'd visited the nest area - check out the Fort St Vrain page for a pic of A-36 flying - and there's a different version of this picture that shows the fledgling as well as the nest at the top of the page for my "nest from a distance" shot. |
Barton's Cove, MA hatched younger fledged |
![]() SharonFeeney's photo - July 26 "Both 'lets branching (one at nest edge, and one on nearby snag)." (almost 16 weeks old) SharonFeeney on July 30: "OH am I ever glad you caught that Aline! |
Two Harbors hatched fledged
Doing fine but no pictures - so I have two from West End instead |
West End hatched fledged |
eaglegal reports August 1: "We’ve had quite an exciting week in Catalina. I’ve been trying to keep up with our young eagles and their travels around the island. I normally visit every nest area at least once a week but lately that strategy doesn’t work so well ‘cause the eaglets aren’t around their ‘original homes’ anymore, in fact, last Friday I went to the West End and half way down the trail to my observation point I started seeing not one, not two, not three but FOUR eaglets, flying very close to me. One of the Pinnacle chicks, K-71, had joined the triplets! My goal for that day was only to get a visual on K-73 since I hadn’t seen him the last time I was out there; instead I saw all six WE eagles plus 1. I was so excited to see them flying together, enjoying the thermals and cruising around just for fun. It’s good to know they are getting along and hopefully bonding so that they stay together and don’t leave the island. Of course that depends on many different factors, an important one being the availability of food in the island." |